A Framework for Cloud Based Tracking System to Monitor Crop Growth and Crop Loss Compensation for Farmers

A Framework for Cloud Based Tracking System to Monitor Crop Growth and Crop Loss Compensation for Farmers


S. N. Tripathy






The present paper with the help of secondary sources of data attempts to capture the major events that shaped the course of cooperative movements in Odisha. The paper portrays the prevailing socio-economic factors and key events which contributed to the development of cooperatives in different phases and its genesis and growth trend in Odisha in the national perspectives.

  1. Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors, Vol. I. In C. Buckland – Northcok, S. (n.d.).
  2. Madras Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee Report, 5 Vols. Madras. – Government of Madras. (1930).
  3. Contractual Labour in Agricultural Sector. Discovery Publishing. – Tripathy, S. (2000).
  4. Co-operative Movement in Odisha: Highlights of Progress. Odisha Review, February – March, 51-54. – Senapati, S. (2012).
  5. Annual Activity Report 2018-19. Cooperation Department. –   Government of Odisha.

Cooperatives Movements, Rural credit, Money lenders, Farmers.


Sheik Mohamed, K. Sudarsan


Recent past, it is observed that, many farmers are facing a lot of issues in maintaining and protecting the crop growth to give good yield, and they get crop loss due to natural disasters, low production, crop unsustainability, over fertilization etc. Sometimes, the farmers are not able to get remedy in the form of compensation from the government for the same, due to improper prediction of crop loss compensation. Further, there is a chance to misuse of government funds which is related to farmers’ compensation funds. In order to eliminate this kind of problem, this system would help policy makers, farmers, government and agriculture departments.


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Crop Status, Compensation, Cloud, IoT.