Analysis Of Differences Among Regular Agriculture Loan Borrowers Of The Gujarat State Co-Operative Agricultural & Rural Development Bank Ltd.
May 20, 2023 2025-02-11 7:11Analysis Of Differences Among Regular Agriculture Loan Borrowers Of The Gujarat State Co-Operative Agricultural & Rural Development Bank Ltd.
S. N. Tripathy
The present paper with the help of secondary sources of data attempts to capture the major events that shaped the course of cooperative movements in Odisha. The paper portrays the prevailing socio-economic factors and key events which contributed to the development of cooperatives in different phases and its genesis and growth trend in Odisha in the national perspectives.
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- Madras Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee Report, 5 Vols. Madras. – Government of Madras. (1930).
- Contractual Labour in Agricultural Sector. Discovery Publishing. – Tripathy, S. (2000).
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- Annual Activity Report 2018-19. Cooperation Department. – Government of Odisha.
Cooperatives Movements, Rural credit, Money lenders, Farmers.
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V. M. Chaudhari
Mayuri Farmer
Rural Co-operative banks provide various loans to farmers for the improvement of their livelihood. The banks consider many parameters before sanctioning a loan to the farmers. Land ownership is an important consideration while sanctioning an agriculture loan to a farmer, besides other parameters. Among the regular loan borrowers, it is better to understand how they are in terms of their land ownership.
A primary research survey was conducted among 450 regular loan borrowers of The Gujarat State Co-Operative Agricultural & Rural Development Bank Ltd. (GSCARDB), from three different regions of Gujarat State covering six districts. Descriptive analysis, Chi-Square test, Correlation analysis and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) are carried out to understand the differences among the farmers in terms of their land ownership. The study findings shows that Medium and Large Farmers segments are better aware of working of GSCARD bank. Majority of marginal farmers have borrowed the agricultural loan multiple times. Good and very good ratings on the loan services of GSCARD bank are more seen
from Large Farmers segment.
Majority from marginal, small and medium segments are ‘satisfied’ while majority from Large Farmers are ‘high satisfied’ with GSCARD bank. There is a significant difference among the four farmer segments in terms of average loan amount taken. Strong relationship exists among Large Farmers on their rating of loan services and satisfaction level.
- Ravindran Chavan (2016), ‘Utilization pattern of agriculture crop loan by farmers in India (Special reference to Karnataka)
- Tanika Chakraborty and Aarti Gupta (IIT Kanpur), Loan Repayment Behaviours of Farmers: Analyzing Indian Households.
- Tuhin Narayan Roy (2017), Study on Access to Farm Credit by the Small and Marginal Farmers in India under the Policy on Priority Sector Lending (PSL).
Loan borrower, Co-operative, Agriculture, Land ownership, ANOVA, Chi-Square, Correlation analysis