Cooperative Sector of India: A Need for a Holistic Approach

Cooperative Sector of India: A Need for a Holistic Approach


S. N. Tripathy






The present paper with the help of secondary sources of data attempts to capture the major events that shaped the course of cooperative movements in Odisha. The paper portrays the prevailing socio-economic factors and key events which contributed to the development of cooperatives in different phases and its genesis and growth trend in Odisha in the national perspectives.

  1. Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors, Vol. I. In C. Buckland – Northcok, S. (n.d.).
  2. Madras Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee Report, 5 Vols. Madras. – Government of Madras. (1930).
  3. Contractual Labour in Agricultural Sector. Discovery Publishing. – Tripathy, S. (2000).
  4. Co-operative Movement in Odisha: Highlights of Progress. Odisha Review, February – March, 51-54. – Senapati, S. (2012).
  5. Annual Activity Report 2018-19. Cooperation Department. –   Government of Odisha.

Cooperatives Movements, Rural credit, Money lenders, Farmers.


Prashant V Kadam


The cooperative movement since its inception has flourished across the different regions of the world in almost every sector of the economy apart from agriculture. In India, the enactment of the Cooperative Societies Act, 1904 paved the way for the foundation pillars of cooperative movement. Since then, the cooperative movement has grown by leaps and bounds. However this growth had been plagued with inefficiency on account of lack of professionalism, trained manpower, absence of accountability, transparency, etc. In fact cooperatives were considered only as a mediator for government benefits. As such radical reforms were introduced by the government at regular intervals. With the establishment of the separate Ministry of Cooperation, a lot of initiatives have been floated to streamline the cooperatives in India. Amidst this, however, there are lots of challenges in cooperatives which have to be addressed with solutions. The paper has analysed the various challenges to the cooperative sector as of date and in fact has recommended for the stricter compliances with the reforms introduced for the cooperatives without which it may not be feasible for the cooperatives to play a significant role towards an inclusive and sustainable development.


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Cooperative, Transparency Compliances, Teforms, Solution