Employees Turnover and Retention Strategies – A Conceptual Study

Employees Turnover and Retention Strategies – A Conceptual Study


S. N. Tripathy






The present paper with the help of secondary sources of data attempts to capture the major events that shaped the course of cooperative movements in Odisha. The paper portrays the prevailing socio-economic factors and key events which contributed to the development of cooperatives in different phases and its genesis and growth trend in Odisha in the national perspectives.

  1. Bengal under the Lieutenant-Governors, Vol. I. In C. Buckland – Northcok, S. (n.d.).
  2. Madras Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee Report, 5 Vols. Madras. – Government of Madras. (1930).
  3. Contractual Labour in Agricultural Sector. Discovery Publishing. – Tripathy, S. (2000).
  4. Co-operative Movement in Odisha: Highlights of Progress. Odisha Review, February – March, 51-54. – Senapati, S. (2012).
  5. Annual Activity Report 2018-19. Cooperation Department. –   Government of Odisha.

Cooperatives Movements, Rural credit, Money lenders, Farmers.


Girish Mangleek


Higher attrition rates within a particular industry have forced companies to use some innovative strategies to retain employees. Research indicated that total costs of employee turnover are about 150% of employee’s salary. Retaining employees involves understanding the intrinsic motivators of them which many organizations unable to identify. Valuable human assets cannot be owned outright rather they have to be acquired and developed over a period of time by the organisations. Leaving of such employees cost dearly to the organisations. Reducing the attrition rate or retaining employees becomes a great challenge before the organisation, as the other organisations offering better prospects are always looking for the experienced and trained employees in the job market. Retention therefore is likely to be of central importance during acquisition implementation in knowledge-intensive firms.

While all aspects of managing human resources are important, employee retention continues to be an essential Human Resource Management activity of the prime importance that helps organizations in achieving their goals and objectives.

This calls for a strategic approach to the management of employees in order to motivate them to continue with the organisations. Employees Turnover has negative effects on productivity, product, service quality, profitability of the organisations.

Job satisfaction plays a vital role in retention of valuable employees. Job satisfaction brings involvement of employees, employees feels that their contributions and accomplishments are valued by their organizations, employees being able to take decisions that affect their job role and performance, having opportunities to grow in their career, having a flexible work schedule, working in a friendly and pleasant work environment and having good relationship with their leaders and colleagues (Branham, 2005).


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Employee Rewards, Job Satisfaction, Human Resource Policies, Employee Retention